Monday, December 15, 2014


Command Line Interface 

 cd - Change Directory
 mkdir - Make Directory

tom$ mkDir photos
tom$ ls
Desktop Photos Documents 

tom$ touch new_file
tom $ ls 
Desktop Photos Documents new_file

tom$ cp new_file Documents
tom$ cd Documents
tom$ ls
tom$ new_file

tom$ mkDir More_Docs
tom$ cp -r  Documents More_Docs
tom$ cd More_Docs
tom$ ls
tom$ cd..

Data Science Toolbox

Command Line Interface

Monday, December 1, 2014

Linux Philosphy

Linux Philosophy
Linux borrows heavily from the UNIX operating system because it was written to be a free and open source version of UNIX. Files are stored in a hierarchical filesystem, with the top node of the system being root or simply "/". Whenever possible, Linux makes its components available via files or objects that look like files. Processes, devices, and network sockets are all represented by file-like objects, and can often be worked with using the same utilities used for regular files.
Linux is a fully multitasking (a method where multiple tasks are performed during the same period of time), multiuser operating system, with built-in networking and service processes known as daemons in the UNIX world.
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